Regional workshop in Piura

Scenario creation
Future visions

May 20, 2024

On Monday 20th May, we hosted the 1st of regional scenario creation workshops at the Univerisdad De Piura (UDEP) in the city of Piura in Northern Peru. In attendance were a selection of stakeholders from the regional government, NGOs and community organisations, local businesses and academia.

Here the focus of the workshop was on exploring what would be desirable characteristics for the landscape of coastal Northern Peru in 2060. To frame this discussion we adapted the future visioning approach, proposed by Bill Sharpe, the 3 horizons Framework.

NASCENT-Peru adaptation of the 3 Horizons Framework

NASCENT-Peru adaptation of the 3 Horizons Framework

First participants were asked to create a characterization of the current landscape in their region under 3 themes: Landscape features, contributions and values. Then they did the same for the landscape they would like to see in 2060. Finally to bridge the gap we asked them to discuss which of the drivers of landscape change from our national workshop will either help or hinder reaching the desired future as well as other important actions needed. Look out for a post sharing some detailed insights into the results soon.

We would like to thank the UDEP for kindly allowing us to host the workshop on their campus and especially Raúl Eduardo Olivares, Edsmilda Martinez Hidalgo and Daniela Zavala for their assistance in the organisation. Of course, the workshop could not have happened without our fantastic participants, so we would like to thank you all again for your time and energy. Next stop Puerto Maldonado for our workshop on the 28th of May!

Here are some photos from the day and below you can access the presentation that was shown.